Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Cinnamon and Gunpowder by Eli Brown Four Worms
Pirates, plunder, and adventure. Charmed by the voice of the main character as he transforms upon the high seas. Intelligent novel despite the despoiling sentence under each new chapter heading. It ruined the surprise.

Josh Whoever by Michael Guillebeau Three and a Half Worms
Witty mystery with action and murder. Careful stitching of plot-lines. Irritating that one of the second-line characters was never given a name.

Decadence by Eric Jerome Dickey Two and Half Worms
Erotica is a story tied up with sex. Well, this book is blatantly descriptive of sexual encounters with a wisp of story intertwined. Described every combination except male + male. Story needed further expansion and the diatribes were self-righteous and exhausting. Thirty Shades of Grey genre...

People of the Black Sun by Kathleen O’Neal Gear and W. Michael Gear Two and Half Worms
Final book in series shorthands the multitude of characters, which is confusing for a first-time reader. Genealogical chart and glossary needed in the beginning of the book since myriad people change names or use nicknames. Historically based Native American narrative but it requires more development to be truly interesting. Impressive bibliography.

Studio Saint-Ex by Ania Szado Two Worms
Fake memoir sways from beautiful descriptions of creating clothing to convoluted interactions. Mignonne’s character isn’t fully explored and it is difficult to develop empathy for her plight.

Looking for five worms…..
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